For mosquito abatement, Benton County Mosquito Control (BCMC) uses an IPM approach. IPM stands for Integrated Pest Management, which simply means that multiple control measures are used instead of just one. BCMC utilizes Education, Source Reduction, Biological Controls, Larviciding, and Adulticiding. When possible we try and use these options as a checklist and use physical controls first, then biological, and finally chemical.
Education is an obvious first step in any endeavor and is especially important in an IPM program. Citizens can make an impact upon their immediate surroundings, which may not only benefit them, but also their neighbors. Proper watering practices, wearing repellent, and other steps can all reduce the impact mosquitoes have in our District.

Community Outreach
BCMC brings educational opportunities to our district residents. Our goal is to share our integrated mosquito management program, the science behind it & how we Fight the Bite!
The following are examples of community opportunities for us to come to you!
- Public Events
- Home Owner Association Meetings
- Club/Society Meetings
- Organizations (Rotary Clubs, Chambers, Civic groups, etc.)
- Community Meetings
- Classroom Visits
Contact: Gretchen Graber • Outreach and Education Coordinator
office: (509) 967-2414